Monday, February 21, 2011

Trying to be like MOM

Note: these pictures were taken during Thanksgiving 2010.  Since I post everything so late, these pictures are obviously not in chronological order.  I guess I am just happy that I am even posting them. As you can see I am trying to be MOM.  No where close but so happy that the flowers bloomed.  The reason that I am surprised is because there are soooo many deer in our area.  They love flowers.  When I moved in and started planting these flowers, the neighbors thought that I was crazy.  They knew that I was definitely a new comer and felt sorry for me.  A lot of my neighbor complimented my flowers but  I know that most were probably talking behind my back saying things like " poor girl, deer is going to eat them all up, she will learn". Well, I am not going to let those deer dictate my life, at least not yet. Okay, so they did munch up a lot and I was persitent and planted some more.  I just tried many different kind.  Well, I guess these lasted... for now.... until the freeze killed all of it. At least it was not the deer.  I will try again this March.

L - I - T - E - R

What's the buzz?  Madison actually made it to school spelling bee final this year.  We practiced and practiced but not everyday.  She knows it, she is LAZY! We only practice the last three days before the actual final competition.  We had crazy words like variegated, malleable, grotesqueness, crepuscular, effulgent.... just to name a few.  I had a difficult time pronouncing some of these words.  She did not get out of the first round , but got out during the second round.  The word was "litter".  She started out spelling " L-I-T" stopped for a few seconds and continued with " E- R".  OMG!!!!! All that practice and she misspelled the word litter.  The judge said " that is incorrect".  She walked back to her seat with a smile.  Hummmm....  All the other students who missed seemed somewhat upset, some even cried and Madison smiled.  I guess that is nothing wrong with that until she later told me that "Mom, you told me to try to make it past the first round and I did.  That is good right?" " Next year, I will just be an alternate".  What does that mean?  Why does someone plan just to be an alternate when next year is no where around the corner?  I hope that she did not sabotage her own competition so she doesn't have to study any more words. Go figure.


I can't believe we actually grew some lemons.  The tree itself is probably about 3 feet tall but the lemon is huge! Our lemon next to a normal size lemon found at the store. 

Sacred Day

    Adam and Madison received their first communion on the same day (April 2010).